Our Young Roboticists Building Robots

Kids Robot Academy in Miami

Imagination is Everything. it is the preview of life Coming attractions

Introduces students to programming a robotic devices using Robot Program Language  and utilizing different graphical coding technology. On their Laptop, participants will create sequences and programs that allow a robot device to Act and follow a sequenced path, avoid obstacles, solve mazes, make decisions, vary speed, repeat looping sequences, create and make decisions based on sensors feedback, modify time and movement and follow programmed sequences.

Our Robotic Program

Albert Einstein

Voted AGAIN best Robot School in Florida

4 years in a Row, Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce.

Our State of the art program

Teach Robotics and Robot Technology

as a catalyst for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, mathematics), therefore inspire a new generation of Elementary students.


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Our Academic Curriculum

Preparing Students for

a World no one can describe.

Dr. J Duteau

Our Mission Statement

Coding kids in Miami, Kid Robotacademy

1 week of Virtual camp with Robot Kit  $450

Students work on ambitious Robotics projects and have enough time to focus, build and Program their Own Robots.
Students will follow a guided curriculum, but will be assigned different Robotics Projects as their Skills and knowledge in Robotics and programming improves. A mentor will ensure student continues progress into more challenging projects.

Students will learn: Robot History, Robotics fundamentals and terminology, Basic Electronic terminology and components, Programing and Coding terminology, Artificial intelligence, Motor controllers, sensors, Navigation, logic and Recognize gears and gears ratios.

Along with an interest in robotics, a major skill set needed for this course is the ability to work in teams the course will foster The STEM development skills.